Tuesday 9 March 2010

Training Session 2

Back up to Ladybower again as had a day off from work. Its still freezing, car thermometer said it was 6 degC but the wind was strong today with ice still on the Lake and some snow on the ground. Rode the reservoir road clockwise dropping onto the footpath at the end of the ride to break up the road section. There was a strong head wind coming back from the A57 to the Fairholmes car park , it was like riding into a brick wall. My toes were still BLOODY FREEZING even with merino wool ski socks on.

New saddle was really good and I set it up a bit more forward than usual. Off to the gym to do some core work and I think i've cracked it.

Heres my ride stats for today.

Shortened Google Maps URL: http://j.mp/ahpmS5
Started: 9 Mar 2010 14:35:41
Ride Time: 1:31:02
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 15.41 miles
Average: 10.15 miles/hr
Fastest Speed: 23.26 miles/hr
Climb: 768 feet
Calories: 1049
Route: Ladybower Clock 15 Dirt
Activity: Cycle
Official Route: Yes

Legs are still tired maybe from two rides in 3 days but still had some strength left for the sprint to the car park to finish. Managed to keep the average speed above 10 mile/hr as well.

New Saddle!

Just bought a Fizik Gobi XM saddle to try to sort out my sore back and being too stretched out on the bike. Ordered it on sunday night from wiggle.co.uk with a clip on bag and it arrived this morning just in time for the training session this afternoon. Its really light at 210gms.

Saturday 6 March 2010

Training Session 1

First training session for the bike ride. Went up to Ladybower Reservior and it was freezing. There was snow on the peaks and ice on the track and the car showed a temp of 2.0degC. I need to get some overshoes or some waterproof socks.

Got back to Fairholmes car park, bought two cups of tea and put my toes on top of the cups to get feeling back. Ride details below:

Google Maps URL: http://maps.google.com/?q=http://share.abvio.com/3b32/1dfe/4b5e/ea4a/Cyclemeter-Cycle-20100306-1234.kml
Shortened Google Maps URL: http://j.mp/b3srRE
Started: 6 Mar 2010 12:34:01
Ride Time: 1:40:14
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 15.11 miles
Average: 9.05 miles/hr
Fastest Speed: 22.44 miles/hr
Climb: 1093 feet
Calories: 951
Route: Ladybower 15 Anti
Activity: Cycle
Official Route: Yes

Got a really sore back (I am going to have to play about with my saddle settings) and legs were very tired, definitely blew to cobwebs out with this ride today!!!! Bring on the warmer weather!!!!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Cyclemeter iPhone App

Downloaded the Cyclemeter iPhone app.

Its brilliant as it tracks rides and walks using the GPS and downloads information onto Google Maps to see where you have been. I've stored some rides and i'm going to see how my performance (hopefully) improves over the next few months. I'm a bit dubious on how long the battery will last but first impressions are brilliant. It records the following info:

Google Maps URL:
Ride Time:
Stopped Time:
Fastest Speed:
Official Route:

Signed up to the BHF London to Brighton Bike Ride

Right, not turning back now, signed up for the British Heart Foundation London to Brighton sponsored bike ride as part of the Edwards and Platt 'Sweaty Helmets' team. Its 55 miles, mostly flat apart from the dreaded Ditchling Beacon after 49 miles and should be a real challenge.


I thought that i'd keep start this blog to capture all of the training and pre event stuff. I've dusted down the hugely underused mountain bike that has been used.

Here's my sponsorship page:

Any sponsorship greatly appreciated.